Heath Bunting
Heath Bunting
On the 1st Oct 2002 the Tate Modern held a evening seminar where the artist Heath Bunting talked about his project “BordedXing Guide” The archive reads: “Heath Bunting's BorderXing Guide website primarily consists of documentation of walks (he has completed) that traverse national boundaries, without interruption from customs, immigration, or border police. The work comments on the way in which movement between borders is restricted by governments and associated bureaucracies.” Bunting is also concerned with the transformative nature of borders, the way they can turn the skilled worker into “Illegal Aliens”, negating their wealth of skills and life experience. He argues that border guards aren’t checking your identity so much as your “user profile”, your usefulness to the country being entered and he goes on to state that the problem with user profiles is that someone else chooses the criteria. Users of his website need to ask Bunting for permission to enter before they can access the documented unhindered European border crossings that he has successfully undertaken (mostly without the security of a passport), his resource for the wood be “illegal” frontier traveler.
On the 1st Oct 2002 the Tate Modern held a evening seminar where the artist Heath Bunting talked about his project “BordedXing Guide” The archive reads: “Heath Bunting's BorderXing Guide website primarily consists of documentation of walks (he has completed) that traverse national boundaries, without interruption from customs, immigration, or border police. The work comments on the way in which movement between borders is restricted by governments and associated bureaucracies.” Bunting is also concerned with the transformative nature of borders, the way they can turn the skilled worker into “Illegal Aliens”, negating their wealth of skills and life experience. He argues that border guards aren’t checking your identity so much as your “user profile”, your usefulness to the country being entered and he goes on to state that the problem with user profiles is that someone else chooses the criteria. Users of his website need to ask Bunting for permission to enter before they can access the documented unhindered European border crossings that he has successfully undertaken (mostly without the security of a passport), his resource for the wood be “illegal” frontier traveler.