Sunday, June 25, 2006

Archive Footage, me-Peter Heathwood 1


Hello. My name is Stephen Jackson and I am contacting you regarding
your collection of recorded television programes which I found out
about through the CAIN website.
I work at the Glasgow School of Art (I am originaly from NI) and am
also Studying a part time MA in digital arts with Camberwell college
of art in London which I will complete in July. As part of my MA I am
working with archival footage of NI which has been broadcast over the
period of the troubles. After researching archive sources I realised I
don't have anywhere near the budget required to access this through
the BBC or Pathe archives, even though I only need about 30 4 second
clips. I understand that your collection is a private one but was
wondering if there is any way we could come to an arrangement where I
could record some(30 ish) short 4-5 second clips from key NI events
from the footage you have recorded over the years. Your help in this
mater would be very much appreciated as I have come to a bit of a dead
end in regards to other channels and at this point in my MA studies I
should already have archival footage and be working with it. Your help
in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,
Stephen Jackson

Ps. If you are agreeable to this idea I will be in Northern Ireland
over this weekend making photographic works around the Northern
Ireland border and visiting family in Lisburn. I have attached my MA
proposal to read if you want more background on my project.